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The Dentalpreneur Podcast

2037: Numbers That Matter Pt. 2

On today’s episode, we have this part two episode, with our guests concluding an enlightening discussion on crucial practice metrics. They delve into the importance of expanding capacity before investing heavily in marketing to avoid misleading results. They highlight reactivating existing patients and managing attrition before ramping up marketing efforts. The conversation covers the significance […]

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2036: Numbers That Matter Pt. 1

On today’s episode, we have a two-part series featuring Ashlee Hirschfeld, DSI Black Belt coach, Summer Kassmel, and DSI analytics expert Jake Conway. They dive into the crucial numbers that matter in dental practices. In part one, the discussion centers on how dentists rely on metrics to guide their decisions. They address common struggles and […]

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2035: Collapsing Time

On today’s episode, we have a clip from a recent Dental Success Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona, where Mark elaborates on the Systemization Jumpstart. He discusses the best ways to initiate systemization in your practice and build a strong foundational infrastructure. Mark covers the End of Day Protocol, explaining its rationale and steps for implementation. He […]

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2034: When It’s Done Pt. 2

On today’s episode, we wrap-up with part two of a two-part episode. If you haven’t listened to part one of the “When It’s Done” episode, make sure to go back and listen to it first. It will make a whole lot more sense. Today, we are going to focus on the entire workshopping exercise that […]

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2033: When It’s Done Pt. 1

On today’s episode, we have a mastermind meeting we had in 2019 in San Diego. We delved into a powerful visualization exercise, exploring what your practice could look like when you transition out of clinical dentistry. In this first part of a two-part series, Mark discusses two of his favorite mentors, Vince Lombardi and John […]

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2032: Decoding Hard Conversations

On today’s episode, we delve into the intricate art of decoding hard conversations. Alastair emphasizes that the number of challenging dialogues you are willing to engage in is a key determinant of success in any area of life, be it personal relationships or business endeavors. Sharing insights drawn not from textbooks but from personal missteps, […]

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2031: Reflections on Giving Back

On today’s episode, we have Dr. Aaron Nicholas. Fresh from their annual mission trip to the Dominican Republic, they share reflections on their experiences in San Jose de Acoa and the surrounding villages. This trip, which has been running for 42 years, remains a highlight for both Mark and Aaron, who have found renewed perspectives […]

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2030: Balancing Art, Dentistry, & Community

On today’s episode, we have Dr. Arti Jagirdar, who brings a unique and inspiring story to the podcast. Dr. Jagirdar shares her journey from being encouraged to pursue a medical career to discovering her passion for dentistry through a high school program. Her story takes a creative turn as she explores art school before ultimately […]

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2029: Concepts & Reporting Review Pt. 2

On today’s episode, we wrap up with Jake Conway, founder of Custom Practice Analytics. If you haven’t listened to part one, be sure to go back and listen to it for a better understanding of the concepts discussed. In part two, Jake delves into strategies for improving revenue in the hygiene department. He discusses setting […]

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2028: Concepts & Reporting Review Pt. 1

On today’s episode, Jake Conway, founder of Custom Practice Analytics, presents his presentation at a mastermind meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he shared key insights on financial management for dental practices. Jake emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing financial reports, explaining key terms like overhead, fixed costs, variable costs, and owner income. He […]

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