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1835: Building Your Economic Engine: Doctor Development Pt. 1

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On today’s episode, Dr. Mark Costes unfolds a wealth of insights from his presentation at the recent Polaris DSI crossover event. The theme of this enlightening series is “Building your Economic Engine: Doctor Development”, aimed at empowering dental practitioners with the knowledge and tools to excel in their practice. This three-part series will journey through various facets of doctor development, showcasing proven strategies and protocols to elevate practice operations and financial performance.

Topics Discussed:

  • Dr. Costes delves into the stages of the hierarchy of competence, illuminating a learning model that transitions from incompetence to competence. This segment lays the foundation for recognizing and fostering skill development within the dental practice.
  • The conversation transitions to the DSI blueprint, outlining the pillars essential for ascending to a DSI blackbelt. This blueprint is meticulously crafted to guide dental practitioners through a progressive pathway towards enhanced practice mastery.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this enlightening series tomorrow. To delve deeper into a community of growth-oriented dental practitioners, join DSN at