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1762: Meetings Suck! But They Don’t Have To Pt. 2

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Welcome back to Dental Success Summit 2023! In Part 2 of Dr. Jason Tanoory’s presentation, “Meetings Suck! But They Don’t Have To,” he continues to share his wisdom on optimizing meetings for success. Building upon the foundation laid in Part 1, Dr. Tanoory explores the 5 dysfunctions model and its role in fostering trust and open communication within teams. As part of the DSS 2023 event, he guides us through defining objectives that align with our practice’s vision and developing scorecards to track progress. Join us as we uncover the secrets to transforming our meetings and driving our practices towards success.

Stay tuned for more insightful presentations from Dental Success Summit 2023, and if you missed Part 1, be sure to go back and listen to catch all the valuable insights shared by Dr. Tanoory.