1703: DSNing!

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On today’s episode, Mark sits down with Ashlee Hirschfeld, the COO of Dental Success Institute, to chat about all the exciting events happening within DSN and DSI. They discuss the recent addition of Talkspace to the list of services offered to DSN members, the impact of creating meaningful moments in your practice inspired by the book “The Power of Moments” by Chip and Dan Heath. They delve into the “Disney paradox” and how it can positively impact your dental practice. Mark shares about his new nonprofit, Smile Outreach International, and the 10th annual Dental Success Summit of 2023. Tune in to this episode for a glimpse into the world of DSN and DSI and how you can be a part of it. Join the DSN community now at truedentalsuccess.com and never miss out on the latest updates and events.